Our approach to covid-19
Dear Valued clients.
Blowes Electrical is committed to the health, safety and wellbeing of our staff, their families, and our customers. Blowes Electrical is still open for business and I want to share the actions we are taking to respond to the outbreak, aligned with the best information from Australian and international health authorities. We are working hard to protect our staff so they can continue to deliver services to our clients. We have introduced:
Strick isolation protocols
Staff are monitoring their health, if they have a temperature above 37.3Co or showing any symptoms, they have been instructed not to attend work.
Smaller teams
Crews have been split into smaller teams and will practice distancing while onsite of 4m2 where possible and limit closer interactions for a maximum time of 15mins. Crew members are also encouraged to provide their own transport to and from worksites. Further to this lunch breaks will be staggered during the workday.
Additional cleaning
Crews have been asked to clean their worksites before and after work. This includes vehicles, touchpoints, tools, and any equipment if required. Additional cleaning has been arranged for facilities such as lunch sheds and toilets where applicable.
Crews have been trained and equipped in hygiene management.
Telephone contact with customers before crews arrive
To understand whether the customer is in isolation or a high-risk group. In addition to this, crews have been instructed to limit face to face interactions with all clients. Where possible, crews will announce their arrival by phone and proceed straight to the location of work. Signoffs or completions will be completed via emails and supported by photographs.
It is important this work is done now in case our workforce is impacted by the spread of COVID-19. I want to be clear that there are no identified or confirmed cases of COVID-19 at Blowes Electrical. I can also confirm that all Blowes Electrical sites remain open and work completed in the field continues. These measures strike the right balance between delivering our services while protecting our staff.
Dan Blowes
Click Here to view our COVID-19 policy.